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ffconfig.h File Reference

Defines configurational stuff like current version number. More...

#include <stdio.h>

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#define FF_VERSION   "0.1.3"
 current version of FF
#define WARNINGS   1
 ON / OFF.
#define ERRORS   1
 ON / OFF.
#define FF_PRINTWARNING(message)   do{ if(WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "<libfinflect " FF_VERSION "> WARNING@file: '" __FILE__ "':%d[" message"]\n", __LINE__); } while(0)
 print a warning
#define FF_PRINTERROR(message)   do{ if(ERRORS) fprintf(stderr, "<libfinflect " FF_VERSION "> ERROR@file: '" __FILE__ "':%d[" message"]\n", __LINE__); } while(0)
 print an error

Detailed Description

Defines configurational stuff like current version number.

Definition in file ffconfig.h.

Define Documentation

#define ERRORS   1


Turn error messages ON and OFF

Definition at line 58 of file ffconfig.h.

#define FF_PRINTERROR message   )     do{ if(ERRORS) fprintf(stderr, "<libfinflect " FF_VERSION "> ERROR@file: '" __FILE__ "':%d[" message"]\n", __LINE__); } while(0)

print an error

Print an error message. Note that this macro adds the trailing newline (\n)

message character array to be printed.

Definition at line 78 of file ffconfig.h.

Referenced by ffstring_append(), ffstring_create(), ffstring_decinst(), ffstring_dfe(), ffstring_rfe(), and ffstring_tail().

#define FF_PRINTWARNING message   )     do{ if(WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "<libfinflect " FF_VERSION "> WARNING@file: '" __FILE__ "':%d[" message"]\n", __LINE__); } while(0)

print a warning

Print a warning message. Note that this macro adds the trailing newline (\n)

message character array to be printed.

Definition at line 68 of file ffconfig.h.

#define FF_VERSION   "0.1.3"

current version of FF

Current version of FinFlect.
remember to update when version number changes!

Definition at line 44 of file ffconfig.h.

Referenced by print_version().

#define WARNINGS   1


Turn warning messages ON and OFF

Definition at line 51 of file ffconfig.h.

Generated on Thu Jun 2 23:16:59 2005 for FinFlect by  doxygen 1.4.2